How Hydrogen On Demand Works
Two things most people
don’t know: 1) internal combustion engines are only 20 to 30 percent
efficient at burning their fuel. 2) vehicles normally burn two gallons of
water (found in the atmosphere) per one gallon of gas. That water is in
vapor form and is pulled into you engine with the air and is also used in
the combustion process. The carburetors or fuel injectors (whichever
you have) force the fuel also into vapor form, and all this is burned
together in the cylinder chambers. The Hydrogen On Demand System uses
an electrolysis process to separate water into Hydrogen and Oxygen (then a
gas). It then adds these gasses to the vapors described above and the
Hydrogen atoms adhere to the fuel vapors and completely burn
all the fuel and the
Hydrogen. Burning all the fuel you wasted before as well as the newly added
Hydrogen increases your mileage dramatically. So it is not really burning
water, but its parts. Those parts are called HHO or Browns Gas.
It is not uncommon for mechanics to inject water into an engine to clean the
engine (blow the carbon out of the combustion chamber) before a smog test,
for instance. The How2SaveFuel system will do the same, gradually, and
maintain a clean running engine, extending the life of the oil, the engine.
This also increases mileage.
It's a simple process.
You don't change your engine or its computer. A quart-size (95O cc)
container is mounted somewhere under the hood (preferably). You fill it
with DISTILLED WATER and a little bit of BAKING SODA. The device gets
vacuum and electricity (12 Volts) from the engine, and produces HHO gas
(Hydrogen+Oxygen). The HHO gas is supplied to the engine's intake manifold
or carburetor as shown in the diagram below. The design is simple, effective
and safe.